

All programs, including your loan information, are stored in the secure data center of our partner, Venture Technologies.

Hosting offers:

  • Highest possible security
  • Access from any internet connection
  • Software updates handled for you
  • We take care of file backups
  • You never run out of processing power and file space
  • Redundant equipment
  • Continuous power supply

Protection Plus

If your office was hit by a natural disaster, or went up in smoke tonight, would your entire business be dependent on a few backup disks? IF THOSE DISKS WERE BAD…WOULD YOU LOSE EVERYTHING?

Any one of the disasters listed above can be devastating to your company but now you can protect yourself by using PROTECTION PLUS to let us backup your files and protect your data.

By using an automated method of storing your Credex data files offsite, you can be assured of having a reliable backup when you need it. Backups will be stored in another city using the latest data encryption technology. In the event of a disaster you can count on us for a quick recovery of your valuable customer data.